What is Acupuncture?

When the word “acupuncture” is mentioned, you are probably thinking needles, or perhaps terms like “quackery” or “witchcraft” come to mind. I don’t blame you as acupuncture is a bit of an enigma to those that are unfamiliar with it. As I have mentioned before, TCM is not “scientifically” based for the very obvious reason that it was not developed alongside the advancement of “modern science” like biomedicine was. For this reason, TCM is considered “unscientific” and is often not as popular or widely accepted.

There is a lot of knowledge to be gained in order for an acupuncturist to become qualified enough to provide treatment. Acupuncturists today even learn a large component of Western biomedicine to become more knowledgeable about the human body. By combining the ancient, tried and true knowledge with the more contemporary biomedical knowledge, modern acupuncturists are able to help patients by restoring equilibrium and balance within their body. Imagine a wonky car engine that won’t start properly. Acupuncture is akin to giving that engine a boost to help jump start the healing process.

What is acupuncture, really?

Given my background in science and engineering, I am a skeptic at heart. Sometimes I give myself acupuncture treatments for headaches and other minor ailments and am always pleasantly surprised by how well it works. It’s all about the intention to treat (from the healer) and be treated (from you).

Acupuncture is more than just poking the body with needles

Cupping, guasha, ear seeds, moxibustion (warming therapy) are all things that you can try if you are afraid of needles. These are all different tools in the acupuncture toolbox that a healer can use to help you get rid of ailments like that nagging headache, chronic insomnia, stress, or period cramps, to name a few.

The following are some conditions that acupuncture treatments can help with: (more comprehensive list here) Headaches, muscle tension and chronic pain, stress, depression, insomnia, digestive problems, addictions, etc.


Maybe. As with any kind of medicine, the placebo effect is always a factor. The effect of a treatment can vary drastically when you believe that something could work versus when you don’t. If an isolated treatment or supplement does make you feel better, why not let the “placebo effect” do a little bit of magic too?

A human body’s healing power is far more robust than one can imagine. With treatments for regular tune ups, the right diet as well as emotional awareness, one can feel close to, if not - 100%. 


What is TCM?